
Command Line Interface

childProcess = require 'child_process' fs = require 'fs' path = require 'path' glob = require 'glob' optimist = require 'optimist' CLIHelpers = require './utils/cli_helpers' Logger = require './utils/logger' PACKAGE_INFO = require './package_info' Project = require './project' styles = require './styles' Utils = require './utils' marked = require 'marked' hljs = require('highlight.js')

Readable command line output is just as important as readable documentation! It is the first interaction that a developer will have with a tool like this, so we want to leave a good impression with nicely formatted and readable command line output.

module.exports = CLI = (inputArgs, callback) ->

In keeping with our console beautification project, make sure that our output isn‘t getting too comfortable with the user’s next shell line.

actualCallback = callback callback = (args...) -> console.log '' actualCallback args...

We use Optimist to parse our command line arguments in a sane manner, and manage the myriad of options.

opts = optimist inputArgs

CLI Overview

Readable command line output is just as important as readable documentation! It is the first interaction that a developer will have with a tool like this, so we want to leave a good impression with nicely formatted and readable output.

opts .usage(""" Usage: citare [options] "lib/**/*.coffee" doc/*.md Citare accepts lists of files and (quoted) glob expressions to match the files you would like to generate documentation for. Any unnamed options are shorthand for --glob arg. You can also specify arguments via a configuration file in the current directory named .citare.json. It should contain a mapping between option names and their values. For example: { "glob": ["lib", "vendor"], out: "documentation", strip: [] } """)

CLI Options

optionsConfig = help: describe: "You're looking at it." alias: ['h', '?'] type: 'boolean' glob: describe: "A file path or globbing expression that matches files to generate documentation for." default: (opts) -> opts.argv._ type: 'list' except: describe: "Glob expression of files to exclude. Can be specified multiple times." alias: 'e' type: 'list' github: describe: "Generate your docs in the gh-pages branch of your git repository. --out is ignored." alias: 'gh' type: 'boolean' 'repository-url': describe: "Supply your GitHub repository URL (if citare fails to guess it)." type: 'string' out: describe: "The directory to place generated documentation, relative to the project root." alias: 'o' default: './doc' type: 'path' index: describe: "The file to use as the index of the generated documentation." alias: 'i' default: '' root: describe: "The root directory of the project." alias: 'r' default: '.' type: 'path' style: describe: "The style to use when generating documentation." alias: 's' default: 'Default' strip: describe: "A path prefix to strip when generating documentation paths (or --no-strip)." alias: 't' 'whitespace-after-token': describe: "Require whitespace after a comment token for a line to be considered a comment." default: true type: 'boolean' 'comments-only': describe: "Generate documentation from comments only, source code will not be included." default: false type: 'boolean' 'gfm': describe: "Github flavored markdown." default: true type: 'boolean' breaks: describe: "GFM style newlines" alias: 'br' default: false type: 'boolean' mangle: describe: "Mangle e-mail URLs" default: true type: 'boolean' silent: describe: "Output errors only." version: describe: "Shows you the current version of citare (#{PACKAGE_INFO.version})" alias: 'v' verbose: describe: "Output the inner workings of citare to help diagnose issues." 'very-verbose': describe: "Hey, you asked for it." 'footer': describe: "Footer text"

Argument processing

We treat the values within the current project's .citare.json as defaults, so that you can easily override the persisted configuration when testing and tweaking.

For example, if you have configured your .citare.json to include "github": true, it is extremely helpful to use citare --no-github until you are satisfied with the generated output.

projectConfigPath = path.resolve '.citare.json' try projectConfig = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync projectConfigPath catch err unless err.code == 'ENOENT' || err.code == 'EBADF' console.log console.log Logger.error "Failed to load .citare.json: %s", err.message return callback err

In compatability with groc, if .groc.json is present, configuration will be taken from there and processed same way as .citare.json.

if !projectConfig try projectConfig = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync path.resolve '.groc.json' catch err unless err.code == 'ENOENT' || err.code == 'EBADF' console.log console.log Logger.error "Failed to load .groc.json: %s", err.message return callback err

We rely on CLIHelpers.configureOptimist to provide the extra options behavior that we require.

CLIHelpers.configureOptimist opts, optionsConfig, projectConfig #} We have one special case that depends on other defaults... opts.default 'strip', Utils.guessStripPrefixes opts.argv.glob unless projectConfig?.strip? and opts.argv.glob? argv = CLIHelpers.extractArgv opts, optionsConfig

If we're in tracing mode, the parsed options are extremely helpful.

Logger.trace 'argv: %j', argv if argv['very-verbose']

Version checks short circuit before our pretty printing begins, since it is one of those things that you might want to reference from other scripts.

return console.log PACKAGE_INFO.version if argv.version

In keeping with our stance on readable output, we don't want it bumping up against the shell execution lines and blurring together; use that whitespace with great gusto!

console.log '' return console.log if

Project Generation

A Project is just a handy way to configure the generation process, and is in charge of kicking that off.

project = new Project argv.root, argv.out

--silent, --verbose and --very-verbose just impact the logging level of the project.

project.log.minLevel = Logger::LEVELS.ERROR if argv.silent project.log.minLevel = Logger::LEVELS.DEBUG if argv.verbose project.log.minLevel = Logger::LEVELS.TRACE if argv['very-verbose']

Set up project-specific options as we get them.

project.options.requireWhitespaceAfterToken = !!argv['whitespace-after-token'] project.options.commentsOnly = !!argv['comments-only'] project.options.gfm = !!argv['gfm'] project.options.breaks = !!argv['breaks'] project.options.footer = argv['footer'] || '' project.options.mangle = !!argv['mangle']

configure marked

marked.setOptions gfm: project.options.gfm, tables: true, breaks: project.options.breaks, pedantic: false, sanitize: false, smartLists: true, smartypants: true, langPrefix: '', highlight: (code, lang) => if lang == 'js' lang = 'javascript' if !lang? or !hljs.getLanguage(lang)?

automatically highlight brief definitions

if code.match(///[^\(]+\(///) '<span class="brief">' + hljs.highlight("brief", code).value + "</span>" else code else hljs.highlight(lang, code).value

hack to disable mangling of e-mail URLs

if !project.options.mangle marked.InlineLexer.prototype.mangle = (text) -> text

We expand the --glob expressions into a poor-man's set, so that we can easily remove exclusions defined by --except before we add the result to the project's file list.

files = {} for globExpression in argv.glob files[file] = true for file in glob.sync globExpression for globExpression in argv.except delete files[file] for file in glob.sync globExpression

There are several properties that we need to configure on a project before we can go ahead and generate its documentation.

project.index = argv.index project.files = (f for f of files) project.stripPrefixes = argv.strip

Project#generate can take some options, such as which style to use. Since we‘re generating differently depending on whether or not github is enabled, let’s set those up now:

options = style: styles[]

Good to go!

unless argv.github project.githubURL = argv['repository-url'] if argv['repository-url']? project.generate options, (error) -> callback error



We want to be able to annotate generated documentation with the project‘s GitHub URL. This is handy for things like generating links directly to each file’s source.

CLIHelpers.guessPrimaryGitHubURL argv['repository-url'], (error, url, remote) -> console.log "publish_to_github", error, url, remote if error project.log.error error.message return callback error project.githubURL = url

We hide the docs inside .git/citare-tmp so that we can switch branches without losing the generated output. It also keeps us out of the business of finding an OS-sanctioned temporary path.

project.outPath = path.resolve path.join '.git', 'citare-tmp'

Dealing with generation for github pages is pretty involved, and requires a lot of back and forth with git. Rather than descend into callback hell in Node, we farm the logic out to a shell script.

project.generate options, (error) -> return callback error if error '' 'Publishing documentation to github...'

Roughly, the publishing script:

  1. Switches to the gh-pages branch (creating it if necessary)
  2. Copies the generated docs from .git/citare-tmp over any existing files in the branch.
  3. Creates a commit with just the generated docs; any additional files are removed.
  4. Cleans up and switches back to the user's original branch.
script = childProcess.spawn path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'scripts', ''), [remote] script.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> data.toString().trim() script.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> project.log.error data.toString().trim() script.on 'exit', (code) -> return callback new Error 'Git publish failed' if code != 0 callback()