childProcess = require 'child_process' path = require 'path' _ = require 'underscore'

Command Line Helpers

module.exports = CLIHelpers =


Optimist fails to provide a few conveniences, so we layer on a little bit of additional structure when defining our options.

configureOptimist: (opts, config, extraDefaults) -> for optName, optConfig of config
  • We support two tiers of default values. First, we set up the hard-coded defaults specified as part of config.

Also, default is a reserved name, hence defaultVal.

defaultVal = extraDefaults?[optName] ? optConfig.default
  • We also want the ability to specify reactionary default values, so that the user can inspect the current state of things by tacking on a --help.
defaultVal = defaultVal opts if _.isFunction defaultVal

And set it all up with our key as the canonical option name.

opts.options optName, _(optConfig).extend(default: defaultVal)


In addition to the extended configuration that we desire, we also want special handling for generated values:

extractArgv: (opts, config) -> argv = opts.argv
  • With regular optimist parsing, you either get an individual value or an array. For list-style options, we always want an array.
for optName, optConfig of config if optConfig.type == 'list' and not _.isArray opts.argv[optName] argv[optName] = _.compact [ argv[optName] ]
  • It's also handy to auto-resolve paths.
for optName, optConfig of config argv[optName] = path.resolve argv[optName] if optConfig.type == 'path' argv


guessPrimaryGitHubURL: (repository_url, callback) ->

git config --list provides information about branches and remotes - everything we need to attempt to guess the project's GitHub repository.

There are several states that a GitHub-based repository could be in, and we've probably missed a few. We attempt to guess it through a few means:

childProcess.exec 'git config --list', (error, stdout, stderr) => return error if error config = {} for line in stdout.split '\n' pieces = line.split '=' config[pieces[0]] = pieces[1]
  • If the user has a tracked gh-pages branch, chances are extremely high that its tracked remote is the correct github project.
pagesRemote = config[''] ? "origin" if repository_url? return callback null, repository_url, pagesRemote else if config["remote.#{pagesRemote}.url"] url = @extractGitHubURL config["remote.#{pagesRemote}.url"] return callback null, url, pagesRemote if url
  • If that fails, we fall back to the origin remote if it is a GitHub repository.
url = @extractGitHubURL config['remote.origin.url'] return callback null, url, pagesRemote if url
  • We fall back to searching all remotes for a GitHub repository, and choose the first one we encounter.
for key, value of config url = @extractGitHubURL value return callback null, url, pagesRemote if url callback new Error "Could not guess a GitHub URL for the current repository :("

A quick helper that extracts a GitHub project URL from its repository URL.

extractGitHubURL: (url) -> match = url?.match /github\.com[:\/]([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/ return null unless match owner = match[1] repo = if match[2][-4..] == '.git' then match[2][0...-4] else match[2] "{owner}/#{repo}" module.exports = CLIHelpers